80s-00s BB Want List
Special 1990 Project
Football Want List
Cards, Caps and Pennies
email me
This page includes base sets and variations, upgrades and inserts for many years, including Topps and non-Topps sets.  I also have Coke Cap and Lincoln penny lists at the bottom of the page.  I have a separate page for more recent baseball, including a big 1990 baseball project and another page for football (62 Post, 64-67 Coke and Philadelphia and it's own 1990 project).  I and generally look for VG or better, although for older cards, lower grades are fine.  Thanks for looking!
*  Pending Trade
This page was last updated on: October 7, 2024
Old Baseball Cards

Trading Bases


311 (mantle)


176 Eugenf W. Bakep on back


433 Herrer on front


Iron on Team Transfer

1966 TOPPS RUB-OFF UPGRADE WANT LIST   (well centered (name flag border not touching edge), no tears, no stains, untrimmed)   

alvis, battey, campaneris, clemente, conigliaro, hart, killebrew, knoop, kroll, mathews, o'donghue,  stottlemeyer, angels, 

athletics, red sox, senators

1967 TOPPS VARIATION WANT LIST (incomplete stat lines)

402 Phillies rookies, 427 Gomez, 447 Belinski

1968 TOPPS WANT LIST  (YT Yellow Team,  WT White Team)

49 Brinkman YT, 110 Aaron (dull orange back), 400 McCormick WT



53 (ruth), 106 (lajoie), 144 (ruth), 149 (ruth), 160 (gehrig), 181 (ruth)

1933 Goudey Dupes Available

5, 12, 21, 24 (2x), 36, 38, 41, 44, 54, 58, 61, 71, 93, 96, 101, 111, 113, 115, 130, 132, 170, 185, 196, 199, 204, 208, 213, 231


2 (cochrane), 7 (durocher), 12 (hubbell), 18 (manush), 19 (grove), 27 (appling), 37 (gehrig), 61 (gehrig),

62 (greenberg), 83 (mooney)

1934 Goudey Dupes Available

9, 16, 29, 32, 39, 42, 53



15 (mantle), 16 (maris), 30 (l thomas), 53 (bunning), 86 (lumpe), 87 (jimenez)

119 (w davis), 162 (flood), 187 (aspromonte), 196 (f thomas)


2 (allen), 3 (versalles), 6 (green), 11 (kralick), 12 (skowron), 18 (howard), 35 (cunningham), 44 (pizarro), 49 (bruton), 

52 (brown), 55 (lary), 61 (adair), 65 (pappas), 68 (kindall), 72 (kirkland), 74 (cline), 78 (bressoud), 89 (charles), 

92 (sullivan), 95 (bright)

100 (osteen), 103 (pagan), 113 (walls), 114 (gilliam), 122 (williams), 128 (kasko),135 (keough), 146 (mcbean), 156 (torre), 

157 (cloninger), 159 (javier), 161 (gotay), 163 (james), 164 (oliver), 166 (gibson), 172 (williams), 173 (rodgers),

 175 (landrum), 176 (bertell), 178 (taylor), 182 (covington), 190 (warwick) 191 (lillis), 192 (farrell), 198 (mantilla),

 199 (kanehl), 200 (craig)


T-206 (this is a have list - need all the rest) 
(b=batting, c=catching, f=fielding, h=horizontal, p=pitching, port=portrait, t=throwing, v=vertical)

Abbaticchio (blue sleeves, brown sleeves), Abstein, Alperman, Ames (port, hands above head), Anderson, Armbruster, Arndt, Atz, Ball (NY), Barger, Barry (PHI), Barry (MIL), Batch, Bates, Beck, Becker, Bell (hands above head), Bender (port), Bergen  (c), Berger, Bescher (hands in air, port), Birmingham, Blackburne, Bliss, Bowerman, Bradley (port, b), Brain, Bransfield, Bresnahan (b), Bridwell (no cap, with cap), Burch (b), Burchell. Burke, Bush, Butler, Byrne 

Camnitz (arms at side, arms folded, arms above head), Campbell, Carrigan, Cassidy, Charles, Clancy, Clark (COL), Clymer, Congalton, Conroy (f, b), Crandall (cap), Cree, Criger, Cross, Davidson, Davis G, Davis H (Davis on front), Delehanty (LOU), Dessau, Dineen, Donlin (b, f, seated), Donohue, Donovan (port, t), Dooin, Doolan (b,f), Doolin, Dorner, Downey (f), Downs, Doyle (NY Natl) (port, t, b), Dubuc, Dunn (BRK), Dygert

Easterly, Egan, Elberfeld (WAS)(f), Ewing, Ferris, Fiene (port, t), Flanagan, Fletcher, Ford, Frill, Fromme, Ganzel, Gasper, Gilbert, Goode,  Graham (StL), Gray, Grimshaw, Groom, Hahn, Hall, Hallman, Hannifan, Hart J (MON), Hartsel, Herzog (NY), Hickman, Hinchman (CLE), Hinchman (TOL), Hoblitzell, Hoffman (StL), Hofman, Howell (port, hand at waist), Hulswitt, Hummel, Hunter

Isbell, Jacklitsch, Jones F (hands at hips, port), Jones (StL), Jordan (BRK) (port), Killian (port,p), Kleinow (b), Knabe, Knight (port), Konetchy (glove at ground), Krause (port, p) , Kroh, Kruger, Lake (NY), Lake (StL) (ball in hand), LaPorte, Latham, Lattimore, Leifield (b, p), Lavender, Livingstone, Lobert, Lord, Lumley

Maddox, Magee (b), Maloney, Manning (b, p), Marshall, McAleese, McBride, McCormick, McElveen, McGann, McGinnity, McGlynn, McIntyre H (BRK), McIntyre M (DET), McLean, McQuillan (ball in hand, b), Merritt, Meyers, Miller (PIT), Mitchell (TOR), Moeller, Moran (PROV), Mowrey, Mullen, Mullin (b, t), Murphy (b), Murray (port), Myers (b, f), Nattress, Nicholls (hands on knees), Niles

Oakes, Oberlin, O'Brien, O'Hara (NY), Oldring (f), O'Leary (hands on knees), Overall (hands waist level, port), Owen, Parent, Paskert, Pastorius, Payne, Pelty (h, v), Perring, Pfeffer, Pfeister (seating), Phelps, Phillippe, Pickering, Powell, Powers, Purtell, Puttman, Quillen, Quinn, Randall, Raymond, Rhoades (hands at chest, right arm extended), Rhodes, Ritchey, Ritter, Rucker (port, t), Rudolph

Schaefer (DET), Schirm, Schlafly, Schlei (b, port), Schreck, Schulte (front view, back view), Scott, Seitz, Seymour (b, port, t), Shannon, Sharpe, Shaw (StL), Sheckard (glove, no glove), Shipke, Slagle, Smith F (CHI) (no white cap), Snodgrass (c), Spade, Spencer, Stahl (no glove), Stanage, Stark, Starr, Steinfeldt (port, b), Stephens, Stovall (b, port), Strang, Street (c, port), Sullivan, Summers, Sweeney (NY)

Tannehill (WASH), Tannehill L, Thielman, Thomas, Tinker (bat off shoulder), Turner, Unglaub, Wagner (b left), Warhop, White (CHI) (port), White (HOU), White (BUF), Wilhelm (hands at chest, b), Willetts, Williams, Wilson, Wiltse (p, port no cap), Wright, Young (MIN)

1919 ZEENUTS WANTLIST (! means white out version)

Oakland:  Bohne
Portland:  Rader
Sacramento:  McGaffigan, Vance
Salt Lake City:  Spangler!
San Francisco:  Fitzgerald
Seattle:  Fabrique!, Falkenberg (no sepia)
Vernon:  Arbuckle, DeVormer, Houck

1967 COKE CAPS - COMPLETE  (67s have fielding position on right side of photo, 68s do not)

DUPES AVAILABLE FOR TRADE  (FR Fresca, SP Sprite, all else Coke)

67 All Stars MLB:  4 (3x), 6, 6 (FR), 7 (FR), 8, 8 (FR), 9 (2x), 9 (FR), 11, 13, 15, 16 (FR) (2x), 20 (2x), 24 (4x), 24 (FR) (2x), 28, 30 (2x), 31, 32 (2x), 32 (FR), 34 (FR), 35 (2x), 35 (FR) (2x) 

67 All Stars AL (A):  A19 (Kaline), A20 (Howard), A22 (Scott), A22 (2x) (FR), A23 (Horton), A24 (Fregosi), A25 (Charles), A29 (Howard) (FR), A30 (Nash), A30  (SP), A31 (Lopez), A33 (Wagner), A34 (Alvis) (2x), A34 (FR), A35 Casanova (5x), A35 (FR) (2x)

67 All Stars  NL (N):  N19 Aaron (10x), N20 Bunning (17x), N21 Torre (18x), N22 Osteen (22x),  N23 Santo (5x), N24 Morgan (19x), N25 R. Allen (12x), N25 (SP), N26 Swoboda (14x), N27 Banks (11x), N28 Mazeroski (12x), N29 Stargell (19x), N30 Rose (18x), N31 Perry (17x), N32 Staub (14x), N33 Pinson (17x), N34 Marichal (14x), N35 C Jones (22x)

67 Angels (L):  26

67 Astros (H):  1 (13x), 2 (6x), 3 (4x), 4 (12x), 5 (4x), 6 (8x), 7 (8x), 8 (11x), 9 (9x), 10 (9x), 11 (6x), 12 (7x), 13 (4x), 
14 (9x), 15 (11x), 16 (3x), 17 (5x), 18 (1x)

67 Athletics (K):  5, 7, 9, 13

67 Dodgers (L):  1, 2 (2x), 4, 7, 8 (2x), 11, 12, 14, 15, 18 (2x)

67 Giants (G):  2 (3x), 5 (2x), 7 (Marichal), 10 (2x), 11 (McCovey), 17 (Mays), 18

67 Mets (V):  20, 20 (FR), 21 (2x), 24, 28, 29

67 Orioles (O):  6, 13, 15, 16

67 Phillies (P):  1, 2 (2x), 3 (2x), 4, 5, 6 (2x), 7, 8 (2x), 9 (2x), 10, 11, 12 (2x), 13, 14, 15 (2x), 16, 18

67 Pirates (E):  1, 2, 3 (2x), 6 (2x), 8, 11, 12, 13, 14 (4x), 16

67 Reds (F):  1 (2x), 3, 4 (2x), 5 (2x), 6 (2x), 10, 12, 14 (2x), 17 (2x), 18 (3x)

67 Red Sox (R):  A complete set plus 1, 5 (10x), 6 (2x), 8 (2x), 10

67 Senators (S):  1 (2x), 2 (2x), 3, 4 (5x), 5 (2x), 7 (3x), 9 (5x), 10 (3x), 13, 16 (7x), 17 (3x)

67 Twins (M):  1, 2, 7, 14, 16 (2x)

67 White Sox (L):  1, 2, 3, 9, 11, 16

67 Yankees (V):  1, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 16

68 All Star Dupes:  G17 (Mays) (3x)


NEED:  1909 VDB S, 1922, 1931S

Lincoln Wheat (pre-1959) cents available to trade:  09 VDB (2x), 09, 10, 11, 11D, 12, 12D, 13, 13D, 13S, 14, 15, 15D, 16, 16D, 16S, 17, 17D, 17S, 18, 18D, 18S, 19 (2X), 19D, 19S (2X), 20, 20D, 20S, 21, 21S, 23, 23S, 24, 24S, 25 (2X), 25D, 25S, 26, 26D, 27, 27D, 27S, 28 (2X), 28D, 28S, 29,29D, 29S, 30, 30D, 30S, 31, 31D, 32D, 33 (2X), 33D, 34, 34D, 35, 35D, 35S, 36, 36D, 36S, 37, 37D, 37S, 38 (2X), 38D, 38S, 39, 39D, 39S, 40, 40D (2X), 40S, 41, 42, 43, 43D, 43S, 44, 44S, 45, 45D, 46D, 47D, 48D, 50, 50D, 51D (2x), 52D (2x), 53, 53S, 54D, 56D (2x), 57D (7x), 58D (2X)

Lincoln Memorial (1959-2008) cents available to trade:  59, 59D (3x), 60D, 61D (3x), 62, 62D (5x), 63D, 64 (3x), 64D (6x), 65 (4x), 66 (3x), 67 (8x), 68D (5x), 68S, 69D (4x), 69S, 73S, 74S. 1970-2008 no mint and D mint - multiples available for all years, please ask